Even those who claim to be 'experts', need relearning. I have given myself the gift of finishing college to receive my degree in English/Creative Writing. I can safely say -- I must have lost my mind!
I'm not sure what I was expecting but, literally, picking apart speeches by the Bard one-word-at-a-time and analyze what he was, might have been, could be saying, was not far up on the list. I understand words, a word, has the ability to change the entire direction of a sentence or thought. However, I don't feel the urgent need to take apart soliloquies piecemeal. Yet... I will do what is needed to reach my goal.
In that vein, I suggest you do the same. Keep the end goal in sight. Understand there will be many bumps in your road, but you have the wherewithall to overcome them and create magic.
Until later...
Mistress of the Red Ink Pen