Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Options

Happy New Year!

A new year shines before us. Don't blow it. Stop talking about that book you're going to write, and put the words on paper or a computer. As Yoda says, "Do or do not." There is no middle ground.

Find a friend, writing partner, online group who will guide you on your journey. Make sure they have your best interest at heart. Hearing about all the mistakes you're making doesn't move you to a positive place. Do what I call 'throw up' writing. Just put all the words down. Don't edit, yet, just write. This advice is as old as writing. Once you have the unadulterated version on paper, computer, walk away for a day or two. Rest, watch a favorite program or play a favorite game. Give your brain time to recover.

Then... pick up your red pen and start to edit, edit, edit. Words don't bleed and, like bunnies, once you get started, they multiply by the hundreds. The process will be slow to start, but once you put the concept into action, you'll realize how easy it is.

Good Luck and have a safe New Year.

Mistress of the Red Ink Pen

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