Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Let the red ink flow...

Even those who claim to be 'experts', need relearning. I have given myself the gift of finishing college to receive my degree in English/Creative Writing. I can safely say -- I must have lost my mind!

I'm not sure what I was expecting but, literally, picking apart speeches by the Bard one-word-at-a-time and analyze what he was, might have been, could be saying, was not far up on the list. I understand words, a word, has the ability to change the entire direction of a sentence or thought. However, I don't feel the urgent need to take apart soliloquies piecemeal. Yet... I will do what is needed to reach my goal.

In that vein, I suggest you do the same. Keep the end goal in sight. Understand there will be many bumps in your road, but you have the wherewithall to overcome them and create magic.

Until later...


Mistress of the Red Ink Pen

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ruminations of a caged writer

You would think with all this time on my hands I'd be writing until my fingers bleed. Not so. I find my brain feels permanently idled. The ideas flit in and out. I get excited about putting them on the page until I sit at my computer. Then that blasted cursor blinks at me -- unrelenting -- patient -- waiting. All thoughts drain from my brain, and my stress level rises through the roof.

As human beings, we are put through so much stress on a daily basis we get used to the pressure. When we are forced to slow our life, breath, and live, many of us don't know how.

I have three sewing projects I want to accomplish. Twenty-five books waiting in the queue to be written and places I would love to visit, but I sit feeling stymied. I'll be going back to work toward the end of this week. My leave has expired, however, it may prove to be a blessing in disguise. I'll be forced to move forward. Maybe, my other projects will benefit as well.

Time will tell. Be safe, stay healthy.

Mistress of the Red Ink Pen

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hello... Goodbye


This sweet face is our kitty, Dusty. She wandered into our yard about a month after we moved into our new home. She was emaciated, bones showing, and craving attention. While skittish, she soon came to trust us and went from an outdoor kitty to a house kitty. We really didn't know how old she was but we spoiled her for her last five years. 


I've finally been hired to a full time position. I've been working as a temporary, part-time, whatever-I-could-find person since 2013. It will be nice to have a bit of security.

How has your January shaped up?

Mistress of the Red Ink Pen

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Options

Happy New Year!

A new year shines before us. Don't blow it. Stop talking about that book you're going to write, and put the words on paper or a computer. As Yoda says, "Do or do not." There is no middle ground.

Find a friend, writing partner, online group who will guide you on your journey. Make sure they have your best interest at heart. Hearing about all the mistakes you're making doesn't move you to a positive place. Do what I call 'throw up' writing. Just put all the words down. Don't edit, yet, just write. This advice is as old as writing. Once you have the unadulterated version on paper, computer, walk away for a day or two. Rest, watch a favorite program or play a favorite game. Give your brain time to recover.

Then... pick up your red pen and start to edit, edit, edit. Words don't bleed and, like bunnies, once you get started, they multiply by the hundreds. The process will be slow to start, but once you put the concept into action, you'll realize how easy it is.

Good Luck and have a safe New Year.

Mistress of the Red Ink Pen