Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Editing Brain Never Rests


This will be short and sweet--I hope. I'm now going into my 6th quarter at Eastern Oregon University and not doing too badly. I made the Dean's list for the last three quarters. Enough chuffing.

It amazes me at the convoluted way 'scholars' present their work. When a direct, simple approach would relay their idea with speed and efficiency, they choose the most obscure, winding, $18 word path imaginable. I have to admit the strength of my glasses has gone higher due to the reading of vast amounts of information spread over innumerable pages with just the slightest hint of space between the sentences. 

What a cluster! While reading a university level approved textbook that, by the way, costs nearly $200, I have found so many errors in the text I'm ready to pull out my hair. I'm tempted to write the publishing house and tell them they need a good line editor, but they might put me to work. I still have five more quarters to graduation. 

The 800 different editing styles is no excuse to ignore basic, common-sense editing. I'll just have to get my degree and show them how to do it right--if I still care.

Ta for now and watch those p's and q's. They're sneaking little characters.

Mistress of the Red Ink Pen