Monday, July 3, 2017

Covens of editors

I, Mistress of the Red Ink Pens, aka C. L. Kraemer, do hereby state this blog is for 'entertainment' and possible 'education' purposes only. The information I offer has been learned through my experience and guidance from editors of my writing. I offer this to you, 'as is'.

This last weekend, I met with a couple other editors to discuss the current issues we face.

Just a note: we met through a professional writing organization as we, too, are novelists.

I'd let them know prior to our meeting time about this blog, and my intention to share with everyone the trials, tribulations, and hair-pulling involved in preparing a manuscript for publication. Their response was--overwhelming--to say the least. We normally meet and discuss where we are with our current novels, what new marketing ideas we will be trying, and book cover ideas. We figure our meetings will last two hours. 

Some meetings center on editing, and the challenges presented to our graphic artist/editor/author members. When I started listing the topics about which I'll be writing, somewhere along the line, the floodgates opened, and I sat furiously taking notes for new topics. Three hours later, we parted ways.

I'm going to touch on grammar, punctuation, research, and so much more.

Right now, I'm taking the 4th off to thank every military person I know for my ability to complain on this blog, and any other place I choose. Billy Ray Cyrus has a song titled, "Some Gave All, All Gave Some." It touches me every time I hear it. Thank a veteran for your ability to read whatever you like. Then assemble your armor, because when I return, I'll be lunging and parrying manuscripts until the floor runs red with ink.

Happy 4th of July, America.

Mistress of the Red Ink Pens

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